Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sundays are the same pretty much anywhere in the world...

The title of this post was supposed to be 'Home is Where the Heart Is...' with a picture of the adorable pillow that my dear friend Maggie gave me. However, nothing is going my way today. The email on my phone isn't syncing, so I couldn't get any of the pics I took on my phone skype wasn't working very well phone on my computer doesn't work very well from home, etc etc.

So, yes, I think the homesickness did get the best of me today. I got to talk to my parents and my sister (and saw Luke briefly on skype) my Sunday morning, their Saturday evening, but I have just been feeling a bit lonely and down the rest of the day. Sundays tend to be somewhat lonely and down days for me, so I guess this is not too out of the ordinary. I think I am just really ready for my box of other stuff to get here, so that I feel a little more at home. And of course, if all of my technology worked a little better, that might help too.

I did get out for a bit this afternoon and walked down to the water and around the bay that I live on. It was beautiful and fun to get right by the water. I took some great pics...again, you will see those once I have my box. I also got to see the little amusement park up close! Those of you who know me well know that I love amusement parks, so it was really fun to live right by one. I thought I would just walk by it, but I found out that you can actually go in the park without paying anything. You just have to buy tickets to actually ride the rides. So, on my way back around the bay, I did walk through the park and that certainly brought lots of smiles to my face. People in Sydney do love to be outside...there are just people hanging out everywhere. Next time I want to take that walk around the bay, I think I will take a book, so that I can find a spot to sit and read (and people watch!).

Tomorrow will be a new day and a new week and I know that I will become more and more comfortable here...and hopefully my box will arrive this week!


  1. It will get better Bec! I hope you get your box this week too. Thinking of you and hope you are having a good Monday!

    Love Katie

  2. Hi Bec! Katie and I are reading all of your posts today. I am so excited for you and hope your box comes soon! Can't wait to see all of your pictures and hear about your wonderful adventures. Peggy
