Friday, August 27, 2010

Some funnies from my first full day...

So, one is bound to feel like an idiot sometimes when they are in a foreign country, right?! Good, because I had several of those moments today...but I am catching on quickly!

1. Must rethink shoe options. I knew I was going to be walking to work and well, everywhere, pretty much, so I did get used to the idea of wearing different shoes to work and then changing into my heels once I get there. That will pose problems right now while I am wearing long pants, since my pants will drag on the ground...but that is not the point. Every Friday in the Australia office is Jeans Day! It is a treat in KC when we gets Jeans Days, so I was pretty excited to get them every Friday here. So, today, I wore my jeans and what I thought would be very comfy, low-heeled shoes. WRONG...the backs of my heels are so raw that I was practically limping by the time I got home. Note to self, never wear those shoes again when I have to walk anywhere...

2. I went to a cute little video store to rent a movie or two for this weekend. I definitely plan on getting out and about during the days, but want to get a little more comfortable with my surroundings before I go out after dark, so thought some movies would be perfect for this weekend. The store was packed, but when I got up to the counter, I handed the lady my movies and had my Australian cash out and all ready. Video store lady - card please? Me - blank stare. Video store lady - can I have your card? Me - Oh, I don't have one. Video store lady - you are a member, right? Me - umm, no...I just moved here. She was getting more frustrated with me by the minute, but finally handed me an application to fill out and asked me to step aside to fill it out. Sorry, lady...I didn't know...

3. Why have none of my books about AUS told me about their money? I got some cash out from the ATM yesterday and went to count my money at the end of the night last night. I was like...hmm, I didn't think I had spent that much. I also noticed that the coins are very different. Today, I finally figured out why it seemed like my money was being spent much faster than it really is. Apparently, gold coins are actually dollars. I have 6 little gold coins that have a 2 on them...sweet, that's 12 bucks! And I guess the silver coins really are like our coins and are just change. Glad I got that all sorted out before I actually make a fool of myself to a store-keeper!

Those are just a few of my 'duh' moments that I have had today. I can only imagine how many more are to come!

I am off to enjoy some wine and a movie for my Friday night...


  1. Those are good funnies! You will definitely have more, I promise! At least there isn't a huge language barrier, that is when it gets really interesting. So was it like a Blockbuster? Hope you are having a good weekend!! It is Friday morning here. Good to talk to you last night too!

  2. Hey Bec! Love hearing what you're up too! Good funnies for the day...gotta laugh about all the new things

    My big goal for the weekend is getting my Skype account set up -- hope to talk to you soon!

  3. You are going to love this experience. My 5 years living in Germany were just awesome and really opened my eyes to the world. It's good to get out of one's comfort zone. Makes you appreciate the good things in your own country and then it also makes you realize what a small world it is. Enjoy every minute of it. Can't wait to read more.
