Sunday, December 5, 2010

Happy Chrissy!

Had another great Sydney weekend...and am still finding this balance between Christmas and Summer a little odd!

I was somewhat excited to come back to my apartment after Beer Friday at the office and have a relaxing night in...and I was going to watch 'Elf' on tv! I only ended up watching the last few minutes though because I went out to dinner with my friends, Luke and Lisa. We went to an awesome Thai restaurant that I hadn't tried yet and had a great was worth missing 'Elf' on tv to go out and have a fun, social night!

On Saturday morning, I headed into the city on the train to meet my work friend, Sarah, for a day of shopping! We started at the beautiful Queen Victoria Building again and made our way through the city down to my favorite part of town, The Rocks. It was a kind of gloomy day and was raining on and off...but it was really fun to walk through town and see all of the different Christmas decorations on the buildings, the streets and in the stores. One difference I noticed a lot is that all of the signs here don't say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays...but Happy Christmas! I think that is a fairly British saying, so to make it a little more Aussie, a lot of the locals say Happy funny!

Sarah and I had a great time shopping and got to enjoy a lovely lunch and some wine at a darling Italian restaurant right in the heart of The Rocks. Even though it was raining a little, we still got to sit outside at some tables that were covered by umbrellas, so we got to enjoy the surroundings too. We both had quite a bit of success shopping and managed to check several items off our Christmas gift lists.

Speaking of my Christmas gift list...I keep this little book of all of the Christmas gifts that I buy for everyone each year and how much I spend. It really helps me to look back at previous years and what I have bought so far each particular year...really helps me stick to a budget. Umm, so this year, I am having some trouble with that...and next year, when I try to look back at the previous year to see how much I have spent, it will be nearly impossible! You see, usually I know exactly how much I am spending because I am only dealing with one currency. This year, I am dealing with this...

Yes, four different currencies...Australian Dollar, US Dollar, Malaysia Ringgit and Singapore Dollar. So, my organized budget in my little book is pretty much shot...oh well, Happy Chrissy!

And today, some things remind me that it is Christmas, while some remind me that it is Summer...after getting some sun outside this afternoon, I came in to listen to my Glee Christmas CD (thanks to my sister for sending me that!) while making dinner. While most of you are probably making chili and taco soup these days, I made taco salad! And now I am watching an oldie Christmas movie, but a goodie, on tv...Scrooged! In just a little over a week, I will be heading back to the other side of the world where I won't be confused between Christmas and Summer any longer!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Happy Chrissy to you! Just a tiny bit over a week until you are HOME!!!!!!
